Day 126

Daily Writing Hi Everyone,   Today hopefully is a sign I am really on the mend. Other than a very infrequent cough that doesn’t hurt like it used to, I’ve been my normal self. Even my exhaustion is mostly gone other than that of a father with a young...

Day 125

Daily Writing Hi Everyone,   Today was a better day. Feel much better, but was definitely a lot busier than normal. Some of my new office area is finally together, but it has a long way to go. At least this lets me not have to write on my laptop while laying on...

Daily Writing Update

Daily Update Everyone,   Another day logging in to give a quick update. I’m really hoping to start elongating some of this into even better content, but right now I’m stuck with a horrible cold that is letting me barely function to get what I want...

Daily Writing

Daily Writing Everyone,   Logging in on my laptop that I do some of my late night writing on. Big problem with this laptop is it can barely keep up with my typing when I’m updating something like my website. It does fine for actual story drafting, but once...

Daily Writing Routine

Daily Writing Routine Hi Everyone,   Logging in to update my current writing for the day. Rough day as a cold has decided to kick my ass. Sore throat. Head all fuzzy. Bad cough. Miserable day. Still did my writing though. Quit a lot earlier than I wanted to on...

Writing Updates

Writing Update Hi Everyone,   This is my first day logging in to give a daily update. Somedays will be more than others, some will be short little micro blogs to give a quick update and then jump back into my regular life matters. I will say on a day like today,...