Daily Update



Another day logging in to give a quick update. I’m really hoping to start elongating some of this into even better content, but right now I’m stuck with a horrible cold that is letting me barely function to get what I want done in a day. Tomorrow I might even pop a Covid Test to see if that is why I seem to be getting worse instead of hitting the downslope of this cold as fast as I usually do.

For my writing, I spent half my day in Baltimore so it was definitely held until the end of the evening. I had already brainstormed where I thought I wanted to go with the story so it was an easy night of getting some words in. If it wasn’t for me having this cold I would have gone a lot longer than I did, but I hit my current minimum and called it at that. I really just need to hit the bed and get some rest. That could be one of the reasons I’m suffering as I am as I haven’t been sleeping very well the last few days, but I can’t help that right now. So I will take what successes I can with my writing.


Day 124: 765 words.

Current WIP: Blood Vows (Tentative)