by Roh | May 19, 2023 | Daily, Uncategorized, Writing
Writing Update Hi Everyone, This is my first day logging in to give a daily update. Somedays will be more than others, some will be short little micro blogs to give a quick update and then jump back into my regular life matters. I will say on a day like today,...
by Roh | May 17, 2023 | Daily, News, Uncategorized, Writing
Website Updates Hi Everyone, Looks like I’m going to try and return to this. As anyone who has looked at the various versions of this website and blog over the years, it is obvious that I am not the greatest at doing this blogging thing. I’m a busy many. I...
by Roh | Oct 25, 2022 | NanoWrimo, Writing
NanoWrimo 2022 Prep Nanowrimo 2022 November is almost here. If you are a writer, you know exactly what that means. One Month. 1666 words a day. One novel. Hundreds of throusands of participants from all over the world take on the challenge tocomplete a novel in a...
by Roh | Dec 4, 2020 | Daily, NanoWrimo, News, Story Release
Another New Day NanoWrimo is finally over. The month of November has been completed and yes, I AM A WINNER! Did I write fifty thousand words during the month? Yes. Did I complete my novel? No, but I didn’t really think I would. I would have been surprised if my...
by Roh | Nov 2, 2020 | Daily, NanoWrimo, Writing
NanoWrimo Day #1 Ah the first day of NanoWrimo. This year, 2020, it happens to be on a Sunday. Thinking about this, I realize it probably could not have been on a better day. Some would ask what about Saturday? Even though most people have the MOST time off on...